Photo by Jay Mantri (CC0 1.0)
Wilderness survival isn’t glamorous.
It’s hunger, it’s cold, and it’s wet. But not at all glamorous like you see in movies. Fear is your constant companion. And often you can’t think clearly in such a dire situation.
The decisions you make before, during, and after a survival situation determine if you’re coming back. So we should always take the opportunity to learn from people who live through a survival situation. How did they prepare? What mistakes did they make? And what did they do right?
Doug Ritter provides independent reviews and information on outdoor gear, survival equipment, and techniques. His website, Equipped to Survive, publishes first-hand accounts from survivors along with analysis and commentary. By learning from others, he hopes we can all be safer outdoors.
North by Huh?
Stuart Ball went for a pleasant afternoon snowshoe near his home in Colorado. Through a series of mistakes, any or all of which we could make, he finds himself in a life threatening situation. Below is a link to his first-hand account along with his analysis and that of Doug Ritter.
Are you equipped to spend an unplanned night in the wilderness? What do you need to do differently? Let me know in the comments below.
Lessons Learned: I Never Want to be This Cold Again
More Wilderness Survival on NatureOutside
How to Choose a Wilderness Survival Class
Wilderness First Aid and the Duty of Care to Yourself
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