Animal Cannibal!: If you invest enough time in nature, you see some miraculous things. You catch surprise glimpses into an extraordinary secret world. Whenever nature shows me something amazing, it’s because … Continue Reading →
Create Your Own Field Guide
This website from the Smithsonian is very cool! It permits you to search for mammals using common names, scientific names, or home ranges. You can compile them into a “field guide” … Continue Reading →
Don’t get burned: Carrying matches in the outdoors
In the outdoors, the more you need a fire the harder it is to make. We have little need of a campfire on a warm sunny day. It is when we are … Continue Reading →
How do you measure a Redwood Tree?
In northern California, we have some of the tallest and biggest trees in the world. Scientists measure the height, width, and total volume of these trees to better understand them. … Continue Reading →
Making a Skin Salve
This post describes my experience helping make a general-purpose skin conditioning salve. It illustrates some general principles to guide you as you learn to process medicinal plants. Plant Class … Continue Reading →
Bushcraft at Home: Penguicula Weser
I never seem to have enough time to get out and explore. So I try to maintain a stock of 10-minute indoor bushcraft-related projects I can easily do around … Continue Reading →
How to fold a USGS Topo Map
I have never been lost, but I was bewildered once for three days. – Daniel Boone, when asked if he had ever been lost in the wilderness Here … Continue Reading →
California Newt on The Move
The much-needed rain is an enormous benefit to the plant and animal life in Northern California. In particular, amphibians have been stressed greatly by the long dry spell. I welcome … Continue Reading →
The Elephant Seals of Ano Nuevo
The West Coast has an amazing variety of wilderness and wildlife. As seasons change, you can “rotate-through” spectacular opportunities to view wildlife and explore new areas. One example is Ano … Continue Reading →
Steve’s Best Outdoor Tips
I’m asked for outdoor “tips” quite frequently. So I want to share some of my best with you. I accumulated them over the years, reading Internet forums on nature and … Continue Reading →
Wildflowers and drought
Northern California is experiencing a terrible drought. The snow pack in the Sierra Nevada is 12% of average for this time of the year. This is the lowest level … Continue Reading →