Animal Cannibal!: If you invest enough time in nature, you see some miraculous things. You catch surprise glimpses into an extraordinary secret world. Whenever nature shows me something amazing, it’s because … Continue Reading →
Where do Birds go When it Rains?
After three years of severe drought, Mother Nature is making up for it all in one go. Prolonged heavy rain often gets me thinking. And the question that springs to … Continue Reading →
Birds Think You are a Scary Dinosaur!
What does a bird see when it looks at you? I’m convinced it sees a scary dinosaur. And I have the numbers to back me up. The … Continue Reading →
Discount on American Red Cross Online Training for NatureOutside Readers
I received an Email from the American Red Cross today letting me know they are offering a discount on their online training courses. I am allowed to pass the … Continue Reading →
10 Equipment Gifts for Bushcrafters, Nature Lovers, and People Who Love the Outdoors (2014)
It can be hard to shop for someone who likes the outdoors. You want to get them something they will use and enjoy. A gift that matches their interests … Continue Reading →
And The Winner Is…
Congratulations to Vickie from Portland!!! Vickie won the autographed copy of David Lukas’ book, A Year of Watching Wildlife. The photography in the book is outstanding. It is also fun … Continue Reading →
Owl Class – The Harry Potter School of Bushcraft
As I drifted off to sleep, I heard a great horned owl call in the distance “hoo-h’HOO-hoo-hoo.” I listened intently, wanting to confirm what I had heard. The house … Continue Reading →
Happy Thanksgiving, Indigethanx, and a Turkey Story
I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! The holiday celebrates the fall harvest, the change of seasons, and generosity. It allows us to take a moment from … Continue Reading →
Half Dome – Almost!
There are few features as iconic, or as beautiful, as Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. But it is not easy to get there. You won’t see a … Continue Reading →
Top 10 Videos for Bushcrafters, Nature Lovers, and People Who Love the Outdoors (2014)
Here is a list of videos for you or your favorite bushcrafter, nature lover, or person who loves the outdoors. The list is part of the NatureOutside Gift Guide … Continue Reading →
You’re no Ray Mears, and Here’s Why!
Ray Mears is one of the foremost bushcraft experts in the world, and you’re not. Neither am I. Through his numerous television programs Ray takes viewers on wonderful … Continue Reading →